Refund Policy

Last revised on Jan 21, 2024

Thank you for investing from our Platform. If for any reason, You are not completely satisfied with our services or You wish to cancel any investment made from our Platform, We invite You to review our policy on refunds and cancellations (“Policy”). The following terms are applicable for refund, returns and cancellation:
For the purpose of this Policy:
“Investment” means any investment order/request/booking placed by You on the Platform
“Company” or “We” or “Our” or “Us” refers to Creddinv Technologies Private Limited.
“Force Majeure” shall have the meaning prescribed to it in Terms of Use of the Platform.
“Platform” means (the “Website”).
“You” or “User” or “Your” means any user or individual who has successfully placed an Investment through the Platform.
Cancellation by Investee:
If You made any Investment through the Platform and due to some reason (Force Majeure or any other reason) the investee is unable to fulfil the Investment, the Investment will be cancelled and the Investment amount, if already paid, may be refunded to You in accordance with the Policy.
If You made any Investment through the Platform and due to some reason, the investee has made any material changes to the deal offerings, you will receive notification, and You must confirm Your commitment within [5] days of such notification or the Investment will be automatically withdrawn.
Cancellation by Us:
If You made any Investment through the Platform and due to some reason (Force Majeure or any other reason) We are unable to fulfil the Investment, the Investment will be cancelled and the Investment amount, if already paid, may be refunded to You in accordance with the Policy.
Cancellation by You:
For any request for refunds, the User may place a request for refund/cancellation of Investment by writing with valid reason of refunds to Us at [], within [48] hours from the deadline of the offering on the Platform. We may accept or reject such requests for any reason whatsoever.
Any refund/cancellation request made after [48] hours from the time of deadline of the offering shall not be entertained by the Company.
All refund/cancellation requests must be made by the User only from the same email which was used at the time of signing up that is stored with the Company. No refund/cancellation request will be entertained if it is from a different email id or any third party.
We will contact You if all or any portion of Your Investment is cancelled or if additional information is required to accept Your Investment.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the Company shall not be obliged to initiate any refunds of any amounts to any User, for any reason whatsoever.
You understand that it may be difficult to resell securities, and You may be restricted from transferring them for one year from the date of issue of securities to You.
You understand that after the closing of an offering on the Platform, there may or may not be an ongoing relationship between the offering company and Us.
Only those Investments which (a) a cancellation request has been initiated by Us; or (b) has been requested by You and accepted by Us as per the Policy, will be eligible for a refund. We reserve the right to accept Your refund requests only in exceptional cases.
You will be informed of such refunds through the registered e-mail address that was used at the time of signing-up or in such other manner as may be indicated by Us.
In case the payment mode of the cancelled Investment is online (credit card/debit card/net banking or any other online payment facility provided by Us) the transaction amount will be refunded to Your bank account. Please note that the refunds cannot be processed to third-party accounts. The name on your Platform account should match with the name of the bank account holder.
If the services were provided as a part of a promotional offer, loyalty scheme or any type of benefits, there will be a refund only to the extent of the actual money paid by the User.
If a transaction was made fraudulently then the Company reserves the right to cancel any of the services/Investments and not issue any refund.
Refund will be done within [7-10] business days from the date of acceptance of the request by Us, if found eligible.
All decisions in relation to the cancellation / refund / return / replacement requests made by Us shall be final and binding. You agree not to challenge such decisions in any manner whatsoever.
If you seek any clarifications in regards to the Policy, please write to us at